Antibody Services

  • DNA Immunization

    Our DNA-immunization protocols work very well for all our hosts, i.e. goats, rabbits, alpacas, hens and mice.

  • Antibody Purifications

    We run high-quality antibody purifications. The starting material is generally antiserum, egg yolk or conditioned media.

  • Antibody Conjugations

    We conjugate antibodies (and antigens) to molecules for detection purposes or other applications.

What makes us different

Top 7 reasons to work with us

  1. Expertise. Our advanced laboratory, in-depth knowledge and robust protocols guarantee the best performing antibodies. The antibody expertise of our staff will be within your reach throughout your project.

  2. Discretion. Your project is safe with us. The whole chain of events in your antibody production and downstream processes are done at Capra Science’s own farm and laboratories with no subcontractors.

  3. Quality. Capra Science holds an ISO 9001 quality assurance to guarantee top product quality.

  4. Cost-efficiency. Our unique animal care program has been optimized to yield a high titer antiserum.

  5. Ethical standards. Animal welfare is our top priority. We run 1st class award-winning animal care facilities at our purpose-built organic farm.

  6. Flexibility. Your antibody production is customized to meet your specific needs.

  7. Personal service. A project with us includes free expert email consultation throughout your antibody production. We enjoy the personal contact with every client. Our scientific curiosity and nerdy ambition to continuously learn and improve, make us good listeners and allow us to deliver exactly what you need.